Clark County Farm Bureau
9 Trotter Lane
PO Box W
Martinsville, IL 62442
HomeAbout UsMembershipAg in the ClassroomShop

About Clark County Farm Bureau
The Clark County Farm Bureau, a membership organization in Martinsville, Illinois, has been proudly serving the community for more than 100 years. 

Established in 1918, CCFB began as a collaborative effort among local farmers seeking enhanced education, reliable information, and improved farming practices. 

Today, it has grown to 640 voting members and 800 associate members, connecting locally, statewide through the Illinois Farm Bureau’s 400,000 members, and nationally with the American Farm Bureau Federation, which represents nearly 5.9 million members.

Clark County Farm Bureau is dedicated to strengthening our local agricultural community through education, advocacy, and support. We connect farmers, families, and our community by promoting agriculture and agricultural literacy while advocating for the needs and interests of our members. 

From day one, we have treated every member and customer as part of our extended family. 

As a grassroots membership organization of people who support farms, food, and families, we:
Advocate for farmers and speak out for agriculture
Promote the values and quality of life that we in Illinois hold dear
Connect the farming community with consumers
Create value in membership
Focus on agriculture youth education

Join us in supporting farmers and our community across county, state, and national levels!​
Clark County Farm Bureau® Staff
Lindsey Vogt, Manager
Lindsey is a 2005 graduate of Newton Community High School, she graduated from Lakeland College in 2007 with an Associate of Science degree in Agriculture, in 2009, Lindsey graduated from Eastern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, and student taught at Casey-Westfield High School.

Lindsey was hired in 2010 by the Jasper County Farm Bureau® as the Ag Literacy Coordinator to develop, implement, and oversee the Ag Literacy program in Jasper County Schools.

In March 2022 Lindsey was hired as the assistant manager of Clark and Jasper County Farm Bureau.  January 7th, 2023, Lindsey was hired as the manager for both counties. 

Her and her husband Kevin reside in rural Jasper County with their 5 children.
Becky Morgan, Administrative Assistant
Angela Fry, Ag Literacy Coordinator
Angela is a 1998 graduate of Christopher Community High School. In 2000 she graduated from Rend Lake College in Ina, Illinois with an Associate of Science degree in Business. She is 2002 graduate of Murray State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business. 

In 2023 Angela was hired by the Clark County Farm Bureau® as the Ag Literacy Coordinator to develop, implement, and oversee the Ag Literacy program in Clark County schools. Since then, she has developed a successful program, reaching over 1200 students each month. Angela has also developed the current Summer Ag Institute offered to Clark County teachers on how to incorporate agriculture into the classroom.

Angela and her husband Matt reside in Marshall, Illinois with their 3 children.
Clark County Farm Bureau Board of Directors
Becky has worked for the Clark County Farm Bureau since April 2023. As our Administrative Assistant, she manages memberships, processes dues, and oversees daily office operations. She loves welcoming members to the office and encourages everyone to stop by and say hello!

Becky lives in Marshall, Illinois with her husband and four sons.
John Yeley - President
Jerry Hills - Vice President
Don Guinnip - Secretary
Jacob Miller - Treasurer
Brandon Daugherty
Stan Keeney
Sheldon Rayhel
Bart Morgan
Jason Gross